Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My 30th Birthday!!!

This is the layout I did for my 30th Birthday pics. We went to see my favorite cover band at a local bar.
Here's page one.....

Page 2.....
the layout with both pages...

Couple More pages

Here's some new scrapbook pages that I've done recently.....
One of the Ladybug

The Ladybug and her daddy....I had these stickers so I had to do a page around them!
Friends page......
I did these in the last couple of weeks or so. I also got a new book that I am working in. These are the first 3 pages in that book.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Halloween 2004

This is from Halloween 2004 *shut up* and are pictures of J & the Ladybug. He was a farmer and she was Big Al (the University of Alabama's mascot).

J & The Ladybug

J & The Ladybug are just a little less than 2 months apart (she was born Sept 4, he arrived on Nov 1). Since his parents are our best friends, they've really gron up together, here's a page I did with several pictures of them.

New Years 2006

New Year's 2005. We went to the Prattville Country Club (yeah, not as "uppity" as it sounds, I can assure you) with Shannon & Scott (my sister and future BIL), J&C's Mom and Dad and my parents (those wild party animals!) We had a great time!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Beach Trip!

This page is from our Supper Club trip to Gulf Shores a couple of years back. I'm just now really getting back into my scrapping, so some of my pages are a littel dated!

The Ladybug in the Pool

These are some picture pages of the Ladybug in the swimming pool. First page is from Gym and Swim last summer at the YMCA. We had a blast!

This is just some snapshots of the Ladybug goofing around in her blow up pool beating the Alabama heat. These are all from last summer.

Wyoming Trip Pages

These are pages from our Supper Club (it's four couples and ideally we are supposed to get together once a month for dinner. Lately, it's been more like once a quarter. We are planning a dinner for Friday night) trip to Cody, Wyoming. We also went skiing in Red Lodge, Montana. This was an AWESOME trip. We toured Yellowstone National Park and saw Old Faithful as well.

Here's some group shots from various places, skiing, outside Yellowstone and playing in the snow the day we got there and our luggage didn't!